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Lantern's Woods

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Lantern's Woods Empty Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:17 pm

(HEY, WE NEED SOME TREAT AND TRICKING OVER HERE. So I totally made one without knowing if I should C:> )
In the outskirts of LaRousse city, leading a path to the woods with the trees hung up with old rusty lanterns, and there was a cool creepy breeze that blew once you got close to the first lantern. It was a great place to be if you wanted a scare, but some say if you go into the woods on Halloween night with your costume. There would be a pile of delicious candy for you, of free charge of course.

Then when it is not Halloween or night, the lanterns would be gone. But in some cases the Lanterns come out mysteriously, which is also a good time to walk down that path and just relax for a while, the path has many twists and turns but you'll always return back where you started. The entrance to the woods.

(I hope you guys will visit C:< )

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:35 pm

Kucheat had arrived at the entrance of the woods where the path began. She was in her white and blue sailor outfit, Jaws was wearing a black and red sailor hat. Of course they were wearing they're costumes! They were sailors! And both had their buckets waiting for them to be filled.

It was her first time here, but trying out a myth in the woods was a great place to start, "Okay Jaws, you ready?" Kucheat asked to him, he just nodded. Then they were about to go into the woods.

EXP : 61
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Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:34 pm

Trixy entered the area shivering, not because her sleazy costume was cold, but because she was the biggest wimp ever. Sure she was tough most of the time but when it was dark and creepy and Halloween, she just lost her wits. She looked around suspiciously and while flinging her head stupidly she almost ran smack into Jaws. When she saw them she like out a high pitched scream that could quite possibly wake the dead. Her face when pale and she just stared at the back of Kucheat's head sheepishly.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:10 pm

As Kucheat felt Jaws pressed on behind her, she heard his hat fell down. Then heard a REALLY BIG SCREAM. "EEEEEK! JAWS YOU WERE RIGHT! THERE'S BANSHEES LIVIN' HERE!" Kucheat screamed hugging Jaws for dear life. She then turned around to see Trixy, she then sighed in relief and gave a smile to her, while blushing with embarrassment. "Oh! Trixy! It's you! You really gave me and Jaws a scare!" She laughed. Jaws just grunted at her, "Okay, maybe just me." She corrected herself. "So what are you? Me and Jaws are sailors as you know."

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
Region : Hoenn

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:51 am

[lololol two Halloween events going on xD <3]

"This is the place..." Ren, a handsome, tall Zoroark murmured the words softly, a map of the wooden area in hand. Kazuki's ears twitched, he looked around, his tail wagging. Both the men dressed up as dark Sharpedos, their coats in that pattern, a fin on their backs and fake sharp teeth to complete the costume.

"I dunno why Akira didn't come with us and we have to investigate alone.." Kazuki muttered, then sighed, walking through the woods, getting closer to the entrance. He munched on a pocky stick.
"You know as well as I do that he's busy keeping track of the spirits back at school, its always this time of year that the spirits roam free...and are more powerful.." Ren answered the Teokis teacher plainly, letting out a small yawn, then putting away the map.

As they got closer, they suddenly heard a loud scream, making them flinch. "What the hell was that!?" both said in unison, then walked quicker to investigate, only to spot two girls that had let out a screech from getting startled. Both dark types sighed in relief and approached the young girls.

"Well if it isn't Nido-girl~" Kazuki said cheerfully, stopping in front of the couple.
"Oh right, Miss Trixy..Hello," Ren added, remembering their brief meeting some time ago.
"The name's Kazuki and this guy here is Ren~ What are you two doing here?" Kazuki asked the first sentence for Kucheat who they have yet to meet, tail lashing from side to side.
They had come to this part of the woods to figure out the mystery behind it and to see if any wandering spirits had made their home here.

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
Region : Isshu


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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:13 pm

"Kucheat, pleasure to meet you." Jaws rose above her head to study the Zorua, he was a bit overprotective of Kucheat. He let out an angry growl at him, showing his sharp shiny teeth that could cut through steel as a warning. Kucheat pulled him down with a disappointed face, "Jaws, that's rude to growl at strangers!" She scolded. She plopped the hat back on Jaws and turned around to the boys with a sly grin, as if she were to harm someone around her, which was probably Jaws. "Sorry about that, anyways, I'm just here for the exploration and candy. But mostly the candy."She said nervously, she had hoped they didn't think of her as a psychopath with a weapon on her head. Heck, that what she should had been for Halloween! She'll just pick a few red juicy berries to make it look like blood. And then she spotted the two men were wearing the same costumes. "Pardon me for asking, but are you two realities?"She asked nervously, she didn't want to embarrass herself again.

EXP : 61
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Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:19 pm

Trixy giggled at their costume, it was so cute! "I'm a swanna!" She smiled devilishly, the point of Halloween was to wear as little clothes as possible so that if any one could guess what you were they deserved all their candy, right?

Then she heard that voice, it was like nails melodically being scratched on a chalk board. She gritted her teeth but when she turned around to see Kaz smiled sweetly then nodded politely at his friend, and her attire was suddenly embarrassing. She wasn't going to let any one else notice though. "Hello Ren, nice to see you again!" She smiled brightly. Jaws growled, but Trixy at this point decided that meant 'Hey nice to meet you!' after he slobbered all over her the other day. Then she moved her eyes to the side to give Kucheat a shady look. "Looks like we got some men to save us incase something scary happens." Then she let out a sarcastic kind of laugh, despite actually being some what relived that they had a decent sized group.

EXP : 330
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:48 pm

Kazuki and Ren were fascinated by Jaws, seeming like a totally different part of Kucheat. 'I'll ask if I can study it later...' the thought flashed in Ren's mind.
Kazuki tilted his head. "Realities..?" he asked with a confused look.
"It means we're dressed up as something that exist dump ass.." Ren answered him, giving a last curious glance at Jaws before they both turned to Trixy as she greeted Ren.
"Aww~ how cruel Trix, you're ignoring me, Im heart broken~!!" Kazuki whined playfully like an overgrown puppy, making Ren sigh.

"Its a pleasure to meet you again too Ms Trixy," Ren smiled at her, looking over her costume, "You're a Swanna I assum? I've seen a couple of flocks back at Unova, very beautiful creatures.." he added.
"A swanna huh? I wouldn't be able to tell..." Kazuki added, looking over the Nidorina then to Kucheat and Jaws. "Ahh~ you guys must be Sailors, nice costume," he complimented with a happy grin.

They both chuckled at Trixy's last comment, "Well then we'll make sure to protect you from any ghost~" Kazuki said, and Ren nodded, not wanting to seem rude to the two ladies before him. "Now then, shall we go exploring?"

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:52 pm

Kucheat gave a giggle and gave a bright smile, "Me and Jaws won't need protection! We're fearless sailors!" She chirped. Jaws tilted his head and mumbled out a few words which sounded like gibberish. But it felt like he was saying "But you screamed when you saw that Nidorina" Kucheat turned to see Jaws, "Minus that act, she surprised me!" Kucheat sighed, she turned to the men again and smiled once more, just to prove she's brave.

She then turned to the woods and stared at it. It was gloomy just as it was when she got here, but it feels like the lanterns gotten brighter. She and Jaws grinned at them and took a step forward. "Ready when you guys are!" She laughed nervously, she was scared now.

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
Region : Hoenn

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:46 am

Heart broken? Unlikely, if that was the case he'd be prone to remember her name! She made a little sad face, "Aw, sorry Coach, I thought maybe you were talking to some other nidorina, but now that I look around I suppose that isn't the case." She smiled at Kaz after that, due to her choice in footwear she was tall enough to look him right in the eyes. Wether or not Ren's comment was a compliment or not Trixy took it as one anyways. "I like to think I'm a beautiful creature." She giggled, blushing, and obviously flattered. Kaz however, and like usual followed, with a stupid remark, but before she could retort (more then likely with some thing stupid like 'I have feathers!') Kucheat put on her brave face on and stared defiantly into the woods. Trixy how ever was still trying to figure out why'd she even come. "After you..."

EXP : 330
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:52 am

Kazuki frowned, though not as serious since he knew...or at least felt like it was just light hearted humor. Then smiled wide at Kucheat and Jaws at they talked to each other which he found weird yet interesting. "ahaha~ you're a brave one~" he said and felt like patting her on the head, but thought twice when he caught the sharp teeth of Jaws.

Ren smiled, it was meant as a compliment to Trixy. "Well, then you must be," he added after her remark, then turned to Kucheat and Kazuki. "Well then Miss Kucheat, lead the way~" he said. He felt like Kucheat wasn't as brave as she states, but he couldn't help but humor her. Kazuki nodded.

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:58 pm

Jaws gave a snicker, which made Kucheat sigh in embarrassment. She faced the woods and glared at it, she was going to do this, she is going to face the horrors, she will get pass this, she's going to cry if she's ever going to get in. Kucheat adjusted her hat and took another big step into the woods, she then realized it was going to be dark, but that shouldn't bother her.

Kucheat then trotted into the woods, being nervous of the dark wilted branches that were in her way, she pushed some anyway and continued on. Then there was a river, a wide river that seemed to be a dark violet sort of color. This made Kucheat freak out more. "Sooo, are you guys coming?"Kucheat asked, looking behind her. She really hoped she didn't lose them.

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:40 pm

Trixy didn't really condone Kucheat's 'run in, think later' tactics but she wasn't about to get left behind either. So she walked hurriedly behind her class mate. Upon seeing the ugly purple river Trixy was much more fascinated than one would have expected. Usually gross things made her scream or cringe, but the gloomy river was simply captivating. "Woah..." She wanted to touch it and move her hand around in it but, some sense told her it might not be a good idea. She squatted next to the river and looked at it.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:56 pm

Kazuki let out a soft chuckle, thinking Kucheat is so adorable for acting so brave and simply just walking in. Him and Ren were dark type foxes, so they could see clearly in the dark which is why they didn't bother with a flash light, but the lanterns gave light as well, just barely. "We're coming.." They walked in after Trixy, looking straight ahead till they reached the purple flowing river.

Ren followed Trixy's footsteps to the edge of the river, squatting down in front of it by Trixy. He studied it with his eyes, then called Kazuki over with an almost silent whisper, but anyone with excellent ears could hear him. Kazuki walked over to the Ren, squatting down beside him, looking into the river, he reached down to try and touch it...

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:30 pm

As Kucheat searched for a way over the river, she spotted the others staring at the river. Jaws made a low growl, almost as it were a warning. Kucheat shivered with the sense Jaws had. "Um... Guys? The river's.... Poisonous..." Even though Steel types weren't affected by poison, she could had swam over, but where would that leave her fellow explorers? Kucheat took a few steps besides the violet river and spotted a lantern.

It was easier to find lanterns now since there was a mysterious fog, it was light but it could be thicker later. She walked toward the lantern and spotted a old wooden bridge, it had moss and ivy covering it. It looked sturdy enough, but when Kucheat stepped on one of the planks, it make a loud creak. "We could cross the river with the bridge!" She chirped, looking back.

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:13 am

Trixy turned around and laughed at Kucheat. "Well duh silly". Some poison dripped out from underneath her finger nails, she flung it in the river carelessly, it sailed right past Kaz's face into the river. Where it then fizzled and hissed. Still smiling brightly all the while. "As long as its not some nasty green poison it doesn't bother me any!" She stood up and walked over to Kucheat looking for the bridge she had mentioned. Ew, it's moldy. As long as nothing surprised her she'd act like a big girl, or try to for the most part.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:55 am

Kazuki backed his head a little, seeing the drop of Nidorina poison pass him, but it didn't bother him any as he was still concentrated on the river. Ren nodded at Kucheat's warning and stood back up, eyeing Trixy's fingernails with approval and admiration, 'she's a strong one for sure..' he thought. Kazuki took out some tools he brought along with him, taking a bit of the poisoned river, then followed Ren, Kucheat and Trixy to the old, moldy, creaking, looking like it can't hold a person bridge.

"Hnmm...well, if you say so.." Kazuki said, thinking one step on it, he'll plunge right into the purple river and die. Ren on the other hand didn't bother thinking about stepping on the bridge, he took a couple of steps back and ran...taking a wide leap and easily reaching the other side. He was a Zoroark after all and even though he wasn't a fighter, he had the agility. Ren looked around and waved the res over, "Its safe over here..!" he said loudly.

"Pft! =3= show off...I could do that too..." Kazuki said, looking at the other side...then thought otherwise and looked at the two girls. "I'll bring up the rear~" he said with a smile, gesturing them to walk on over, "After you~~"

EXP : 453
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:24 pm

Kucheat gave a little giggle at Kazuki, "Coward." She laughed quietly, but she knew he heard it. And probably notice it since Jaws was snickering, they both turn to the bridge, they didn't have the agility like Ren's, but they had light weight, and the unaffected ability for the poison. Kucheat then took a small step on the bridge, she almost tripped of the ivy which was in her way.

She took a deep breathe and Jaws shut his mouth tight as a undo able knot, she took one more step which made a big creak noise. Kucheat ignored the sound until she stepped on a loose board which almost fell into the river, but tiny bits did and sizzled away. Kucheat was scared, but she kept on going, she stepped over the board and got onto the other side. Her smile was wider then ever, so was Jaws. She then turned over to the two remaining friends. "Made it!" She chirped cheerfully.

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Age : 26
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:10 pm

Trixy followed Kucheat over the bridge carefully but confidently. The river wasn't terribly frightening to her any how. Despite being very athletic Trixy's inner klutz told her crossing the bridge in Ren like fashion was not a good idea. She put most of her weight in her toes not wanting her heels to get stuck or something embarrassing like that. How ever when she stepped off the bridge on of them sunk in the mud. She sighed and trudged back on to the dry path. She wondered if the other thought she was insane for wearing those boots, but really she was used to it.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:51 am

After Kucheat and Trixy crossed the bridge, it was his turn, he swallowed, not really confidant. Suddenly, he felt a cold chill run down his spine, turning around, he narrowed his eyes against the growing mist, seeing a faint...blue flamed lantern. He shook head, "Nah, can't be.." then turned back to the bridge where the others were waiting on the other side. "Here goes nothing..."

Ren looked over at Trixy as she reached safe ground after Kucheat, seeing her heels sink a bit, but he said nothing. Turning his attention back to Kazuki attempting to cross. He though his weight alone would send him falling into the poisonous river below... Ren looked back at the other two girls, then at Kazuki. He narrowed his eyes...and it there was a very faint blue shine to them..

Kazuki yelled out after a loud cracking sound was heard and the wooden bridge gave way under his feet, his yell was suddenly cut off in the middle as he splashed into the deep, purple river!! Bubbling and sizzling sound---then...silence...

But before anyone could react, "What are you guys doing?" Kazuki asked as he stepped onto the other side, safe and sound, as though he had appeared out of no where. It turned out Ren was using his Illusion ability to trick the girls a little Halloween fun, but it broke just after a minute. Ren wasn't very good with his abilities and he sighed in defeat.

EXP : 453
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Age : 37
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:51 am

Kucheat and Jaws mouths were wide open when they thought Kazuki fall, they were pale no less. Then she realize it was a trick, she giggled. "You really got me worried!"She chirped. Then the bridge fell, it looked like the tourists wouldn't be around soon. She then notice the fog got a bit heavier, but she could still see everyone.

She turned around swiftly to see the path goes, but further up was a sign, and a path that splits. She decided to let the others handle it. But it seemed to get darker too, and nearby dark wilting trees had lanterns hung on them, bright lanterns. She walked up to one and reached up to grab one. Jaws grabbed it for her. "Thanks!"Kucheat said to Jaws, Jaws just gave a smile.

She then turned around and went back with the others. "Well, since it's pretty foggy, and the lanterns, you know.... Are bright. Do you think we should all have one to be easier to find if we get lost?"Kucheat thought that was a great idea, expect the part of getting lost, she hated being alone. She wouldn't last alone for 5 minutes, top.

EXP : 61
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 26
Region : Hoenn

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  ~Trixy-* Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:33 pm

Trixy let out a scream that could have woke the dead when Kaz fell in the river, then as if that wasn't shocking enough he appeared right in front of her. By then the only thing capable of coming out of her mouth was a little whimper. She wheeled around and made a huffy, puffy, pouty face at Ren, her cheeks were bright red, wether from embarrassment or anger no one could possibly tell. Those foxes were never up to a bit of good. She snatched up the lantern, all the while still looking pouty and embarrassed. She held the lantern loosely at her waist and stared awkwardly into the night. Her knees were slightly shaking.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:34 pm

Ren and Kazuki covered their sensitive ears upon Trixy's screech, their heads ringing and Kazuki looked around, wondering what the hell happened!?? Then Kazuki blinked in confusion to Kucheat, "Well..Im here~ its not--" the bridge falling to the river cut him off and he turned around seeing it bubble and disappear into the river. "Oh wow...any longer out there and that could have been me..." he said, swallowing nervously.

Ren caught Trixy's expression, smiling back at her worriedly, maybe he went too far into scaring them, heck,he wasn't even sure if it would work. "S-Sorry..ahah.." he murmured an apology, wondering if the shaken Nidorina would be okay. Hearing what Kucheat said about the Lanterns, he also picked one up and followed Trixy into the thicker part of the forest, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He and Kazuki could still see pretty clearly.

"Right.." Kazuki grabbed a Lantern too, it looked normal, cept it had a blue flame instead of the normal yellow ones, but it burned brightly. He felt like something was up with the Lantern, but decided not to question it for now. "Let's keep going~"

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kucheat Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:28 am

Kucheat trotted ahead and ended up at the fork, SHE had to deal with it. The signs were barley legible, but the one in red scrapped paint said 'Under' and the one with blue, which had a deep scratch in it said 'Over'. It sounded much like a puzzle to Kucheat. She looked at both ways, the red path was brighter, on the other hand, the blue path was darker and had fewer lanterns and more wilted trees in the path. The red side looked much more safer.

She looked at Jaws and he gave a whimper, his senses didn't work very well in fogs. She then turned around to see the others. There was a even amount of people and could split up into teams, but that risked the chances of getting lost. She turned around again to observe the blue path, the scarier route could be a shorter way to the candy, since it was Halloween of course. "Soo... Guys.... What do you recommend?" She asked, but if she were going to split up, she'd pair up with one of the boys for more protection.

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Lantern's Woods Empty Re: Lantern's Woods

Post  Kazuki Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:01 am

The dark types continued to follow Kucheat and Trixy till they reached the fork in the path. Kazuki and Ren studied the paths before them. "Under and Over huh?" Kazuki murmured, looking at the two. Ren's attention was more on the darker path though, something there seemed...well, dark of course, but he felt a presence. Kazuki however was more on the brighter path, the Red path that said Under, he felt a presence there too.


Kazuki and Ren said at the same time, pointing to the ways they would like to go. Ren glared at Kazuki and Kazuki looked back at Ren with scary face. "I say we take this path first..." Ren said, pointing to the darker of the paths.
"And I say we go the other way, it looks safer!" Kazuki argued. Then they turned to the two girls.
"What do you think!?" They asked.

EXP : 453
Join date : 2010-10-12
Age : 37
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